ASME B30.23:2016 pdf download Personnel Lifting Systems Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
(-c) have motion controls,accessible at groundlevel, that can override platform controls
23-1.1.2 Hoisting Equipment
(a) Only the hoisting equipment manufacturer mayapprove the design, and installation procedures, for plat-form mounting attachment points on lattice type boomequipment and lattice type boom extensions. The design,and installation procedures, for platform-mountingattachment points on other type hoisting equipmentshall be approved by the hoisting equipment manufac-turer or a qualified person. All approvals shall be inwriting.
(b) Platform-mounting attachments on the hoistingequipment and on the platform should allow the plat-form floor to remain within 10 deg of the horizontalplane, regardless of boom angle.
(c) Platform-mounting attachments on the hoistingequipment shall be designed to protect against disen-gagement during lifting operation.
sECTION 23-1.2:CONSTRUCTION23-1.2.1 Personnel Lifting Platform
a) Standards. Platforms shall be constructed usingdesigns meeting the requirements of Section 23-1.1.(bQualify Assurance
(1) Edges exposed to contact by platform occupantsor platform handlers shall be smoothed to protectagainst injury.
(2) welding of the platform shall be in accordancewith American Welding Society or ASME proceduresand performed by a certified welder.
3) Quality verification testing shall, as a minimum,consist of the requirements outlined in para.23-2.2.1(a).(c)Certifications and Manuals
(1)The manufacturer shall certify that the platformmanufactured, and the suspension system incorporated,meet the design, construction, and testing requirementsset forth in this Volume.This certification shall be indi-cated on the plate attached to the platform.
(2)The manufacturer shall provide written certifi-cation of the platform rating to the purchaser uponrequest.
(3)The manufacturer of a platform, which has plat-form motion controls in the platform, shall
(-a) provide an Operator Manual with theplatform
(-b) provide a weatherproof compartment, in theplatform, that is capable of storing the Operator Manualor have the Operator Manual displayed on a weather-proof placard, readable from the platform
(4Translation of Non-English Documentation lntoEnglish
(-a) The wording of written non-English safetyinformation and manuals regarding use, inspection, and
maintenance shall be translated into English by profes-sional translation industry standards, which include, butare not limited to, the following:
(-1 ) translation of the complete paragraph
message, instead of word by word
(-2) grammatical accuracy
(-3)respectfulness of the source document con-
tent without omitting or expanding the text
(-4) accurate translation of the terminology(-5) reflection of the level of sophistication ofthe original document
(-b)The finished translation shall be verified forcompliance with (c)(4)(-a)(-1) through (c)(4)(-a)(-5) by aqualified person having an understanding of the techni-cal content of the subject matter.
(-c) Pictograms used to identify controls shall bedescribed in the manuals. The pictograms should com-ply with ISO 7000,ISO 7296,or another recognizedsource, if previously defined. The text of the descriptionshall meet the criteria of (c)(4)(-a) and (c)(4)(-b).
(-d) Any non-English documentation providedin addition to English shall be translated and reviewedin accordance with the requirements listed above.
23-1.2.2 Hoisting Equipment
Hoisting equipment used to lift personnel platformsshall have been constructed in accordance with theapplicable volume of the ASME B30 Standard. Al1hoisting equipment shall be verified as meeting the fol-lowing requirements prior to being used for personnellifting:
ia) Hoist equipment features and/ or controls that per-mit live boom or live load line operation shall be madeinoperable so that neither a live boom nor a live loadline operation can take place during personnel lifting.b) Rope or chain hoisting systems, which are usedfor personnel lifting,shall have an anti-two-block deviceinstalled.
(c) Hoisting equipment with a variable angle boomshall have a boom angle indicator readily visible to theoperator.
(d) Hoisting equipment with telescoping booms shallhave a boom length indicator, readable from the opera-tor’s station,unless the load rating is independent ofthe boom length.
(e)Hooks used for attachment of a personnel liftingplatform shall be of a type that can be positively lockedclosed and will prevent the platform lifting bridle frombeing dislodged.
(f) Hoisting equipment shall have automatic brakeson all functions to be used during personnel handlingsuch that when the equipment operating controls arereleased, the motions are brought to rest.Machines notequipped with automatic swing brakes shall have a man-ually applied swing brake and a park brake or lockcapable of being set at any swing position.