ASME B32.100:2016 pdf download Preferred Metric Sizes for Flat, Round, Square, Rectangular, and Hexagonal Metal Products
1 SCOPE This Standard establishes a preferred series of metric thicknesses, widths, and lengths for flatmetal products of rectangular cross section. The thicknesses and widths shown in this Standard are also applicable to base metals that may be coated in later operations. This Standard also establishes a preferred series of metric sizes for round, square, rectangular, and hexagonal metal products.
2 GENERAL The sizes in this Standard provide an orderly series of thicknesses for all flat metal products and widths for rectangular cross-section metal products. The series was developed to provide a reasonable selection of metal thicknesses from 0.050 mm to 300 mm and of metal widths from 10 mm to 5 000 mm. In each case, the series provides forsome second, third, and sometimes fourth choice sizes (thicknesses and widths) to cover instances where selection from the primary preferred sizes may be inadequate. Sufficient coverage in logical steps is presented in the tables to adequately serve most of the general purpose requirements of industry for flat metal products. This Standard provides an orderly series of lengths for flat metal products. This Standard also provides a series ofsizes for each of round, square, rectangular, and hexagonal forms ofmetal products used for general applications. The series was developed to provide a reasonable selection of metal diameters from 0.020 mm to 320 mm for rounds and distance-across-flats from 3 mm to 300 mm for squares, various cross-section sizes from 1.6 mm by 2 mm to 100 mm by 200 mm for rectangles, and from 1.5 mm to 150 mm for hexagons. The series provides for some second, third, and fourth choice diameters for rounds and second and third choice distance-across- flats for squares and hexagons, where selection from the primary preferred sizes may be inadequate. The series also provides for preferred lengths of rounds, squares, rectangles, and hexagons.
Sufficient coverage in logical steps is presented in the tables to adequately serve most of the general purpose requirements of industry for round, square, rectangular, and hexagonal metal products. It is recognized that for some applications, particularly large-volume requirements in some metals for specific end uses, precise engineering requirements dictate a need for sizes other than those presented in this Standard. This Standard is in no way meant to preclude theuseofsuchsizeswheretheyarerequired.However,for general purpose applications or where requirements permitsome latitude in the selection ofthickness orthick- ness/width/length combinations, the simplified preferred sizes given in this Standard should facilitate interchangeabilityofmetals in design, reduce inventories, and increase the availability ofwarehouse stocks ofthose sizes commonly used for general purpose applications. In such instances, the use ofsizes listed in this Standard is to be encouraged. All ofthe sizes included in this Standard are not neces- sarily produced in all metals and grades. Producers or distributors should be consulted to determine availability ofa particular thickness or thickness/width combination for a given metal product.
3 USE OF TABLES Wherever possible, sizes should be selected from the columns headed “First Choice.” Only if no size in the preferred list is suitable should a selection be made from the columns headed “Second Choice” or “Third Choice.”Lengthsshouldbeselectedfromthepreferredlist.
4 BASIS OF TABLES The sizes in this Standard are derived from a list of preferred metric sizes in which each number is approxi- mately 60% greater than the number preceding it [ANSI B4.2 (Preferred Metric Limits and Fits) or ISO 497 (Guide to the choice of series of preferred numbers and series containing more rounded values of preferred numbers) Series R5′]. Second Choice sizes are in increments of 25% (Series R10′) and Third Choice sizes in increments of12% (Series R20′). Some deviations from this principle occur as the result of minor rounding. The selected sizes also reflect standard material sizes in ISO and national standards in traditional metric countries.
5 TOLERANCES Material product tolerances are shown in applicable internationalornationalproductstandards. Normaltoler- ances shown in international standards are generally largerandcouldbe up to twice as large formetricmaterial compared with customaryinch tolerances used in the U.S. Only a few major product groups will be covered by this Standard, and they are specified in paras. 5.1 through 5.8.